INES Mapper 207

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Revision as of 06:16, 3 August 2012 by Lidnariq (talk | contribs) (add cat:mmc3-like)
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iNES Mapper 207 represents the board used for Fudou Myouou Den.

It modifies Taito's X1-005 (80) in the exact same way that TLSROM (118) differs from MMC3 (4), by which we mean the X1-005's CHR A17 output is connected to CIRAM A10.

 Here are Disch's original notes:  
 =  Mapper 207          =
 Example Game:
 Fudou Myouou Den
 Regs appear at $7EFx, I'm unsure whether or not PRG-RAM can exist at $6000-7FFF
   $7EF0:  [MCCC CCCC]
      M = Mirroring 0
      C = CHR Reg 0
   $7EF1:  [MCCC CCCC]
      M = Mirroring 1
      C = CHR Reg 1
   $7EF2-7EF5:  CHR Regs 2-5
   $7EFA,7EFB:  PRG Reg 0 (8k @ $8000)
   $7EFC,7EFD:  PRG Reg 1 (8k @ $A000)
   $7EFE,7EFF:  PRG Reg 2 (8k @ $C000)
 CHR Setup:
        $0000   $0400   $0800   $0C00   $1000   $1400   $1800   $1C00 
      |    <$7EF0>    |    <$7EF1>    | $7EF2 | $7EF3 | $7EF4 | $7EF5 |
 PRG Setup:
       $8000   $A000   $C000   $E000  
     | $7EFA | $7EFC | $7EFE | { -1} |
   [ $7EF0 ][ $7EF0 ]
   [ $7EF1 ][ $7EF1 ]
 Mirroring bit of appropriate reg selects NTA or NTB