Visual6502wiki/6502 all 256 Opcodes

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Starting from Graham's table, Michael Steil constructed a 3 column table containing the opcode, the mnemomic, the addressing mode and the number of clock cycles.

Then, using the C model 'perfect6502' (available on Github) which uses the same switch-level approach as the visual6502 simulator, he wrote automated tests that feed in all kinds of instructions, and measures cycles, instruction length, memory accesses and register inputs and outputs. It takes about 3 minutes to go through the opcode space.

This is what the output means:

  • bytes: opcode is followed by 0s, size is calculated by the BRK address put onto the stack
  • cycles: opcode is followed by 0s, on a page boundary, the time is the number of cycles between the opcode fetch and the next fetch.
    • (This does not measure the "one more if branch taken/index crosses page boundary" case.)
  • AXYSP=>: registers that are used as inputs (S: stack P: status), i.e. behavior (register contents or bus I/O) changes if inputs change
  • =>AXYSP=>: registers that are used as outputs, i.e. register changes if inputs (registers, memory) change
  • RW: whether this opcode does memory reads and/or writes (instruction fetches are not counted)
  • abs, absx, absy, zp, zpx, zpy, izx, izx: addressing mode
  • CRASH is printed if the BRK instruction is not detected after 100 half-cycles

This is the output (Graham's list to the left!):

 00 BRK 7        $00: bytes: 0 cycles: 0 _____=>_____ __ 
 01 ORA izx 6    $01: bytes: 2 cycles: 6 A____=>____P R_ izx
 02 *KIL         $02: CRASH
 03 *SLO izx 8   $03: bytes: 2 cycles: 8 A____=>____P RW izx
 04 *NOP zp 3    $04: bytes: 2 cycles: 3 _____=>_____ R_ zp
 05 ORA zp 3     $05: bytes: 2 cycles: 3 A____=>A___P R_ zp
 06 ASL zp 5     $06: bytes: 2 cycles: 5 _____=>____P RW zp
 07 *SLO zp 5    $07: bytes: 2 cycles: 5 A____=>A___P RW zp
 08 PHP 3        $08: bytes: 1 cycles: 3 ___SP=>___S_ _W 
 09 ORA imm 2    $09: bytes: 2 cycles: 2 _____=>A___P __ 
 0A ASL 2        $0A: bytes: 1 cycles: 2 A____=>A___P __ 
 0B *ANC imm 2   $0B: bytes: 2 cycles: 2 A____=>____P __ 
 0C *NOP abs 4   $0C: bytes: 3 cycles: 4 _____=>_____ R_ abs
 0D ORA abs 4    $0D: bytes: 3 cycles: 4 A____=>A___P R_ abs
 0E ASL abs 6    $0E: bytes: 3 cycles: 6 _____=>____P RW abs
 0F *SLO abs 6   $0F: bytes: 3 cycles: 6 A____=>A___P RW abs
 10 BPL rel 2*   $10: bytes: 2 cycles: 3 ____P=>_____ __ 
 11 ORA izy 5*   $11: bytes: 2 cycles: 5 A____=>____P R_ izy
 12 *KIL         $12: CRASH
 13 *SLO izy 8   $13: bytes: 2 cycles: 8 A____=>____P RW izy
 14 *NOP zpx 4   $14: bytes: 2 cycles: 4 _____=>_____ R_ zpx
 15 ORA zpx 4    $15: bytes: 2 cycles: 4 A____=>A___P R_ zpx
 16 ASL zpx 6    $16: bytes: 2 cycles: 6 _____=>____P RW zpx
 17 *SLO zpx 6   $17: bytes: 2 cycles: 6 A____=>A___P RW zpx
 18 CLC 2        $18: bytes: 1 cycles: 2 _____=>____P __ 
 19 ORA aby 4*   $19: bytes: 3 cycles: 4 A____=>A___P R_ absy
 1A *NOP 2       $1A: bytes: 1 cycles: 2 _____=>_____ __ 
 1B *SLO aby 7   $1B: bytes: 3 cycles: 7 A____=>A___P RW absy
 1C *NOP abx 4*  $1C: bytes: 3 cycles: 4 _____=>_____ R_ absx
 1D ORA abx 4*   $1D: bytes: 3 cycles: 4 A____=>A___P R_ absx
 1E ASL abx 7    $1E: bytes: 3 cycles: 7 _____=>____P RW absx
 1F *SLO abx 7   $1F: bytes: 3 cycles: 7 A____=>A___P RW absx
 20 JSR abs 6    $20: bytes: X cycles: 6 ___S_=>___S_ _W 
 21 AND izx 6    $21: bytes: 2 cycles: 6 _____=>A___P R_ izx
 22 *KIL         $22: CRASH
 23 *RLA izx 8   $23: bytes: 2 cycles: 8 ____P=>A___P RW izx
 24 BIT zp 3     $24: bytes: 2 cycles: 3 A____=>____P R_ zp
 25 AND zp 3     $25: bytes: 2 cycles: 3 A____=>A___P R_ zp
 26 ROL zp 5     $26: bytes: 2 cycles: 5 ____P=>____P RW zp
 27 *RLA zp 5    $27: bytes: 2 cycles: 5 A___P=>A___P RW zp
 28 PLP 4        $28: bytes: 1 cycles: 4 ___S_=>___SP __ 
 29 AND imm 2    $29: bytes: 2 cycles: 2 A____=>A___P __ 
 2A ROL 2        $2A: bytes: 1 cycles: 2 A___P=>A___P __ 
 2B *ANC imm 2   $2B: bytes: 2 cycles: 2 A____=>____P __ 
 2C BIT abs 4    $2C: bytes: 3 cycles: 4 A____=>____P R_ abs
 2D AND abs 4    $2D: bytes: 3 cycles: 4 A____=>A___P R_ abs
 2E ROL abs 6    $2E: bytes: 3 cycles: 6 ____P=>____P RW abs
 2F *RLA abs 6   $2F: bytes: 3 cycles: 6 A___P=>A___P RW abs
 30 BMI rel 2*   $30: bytes: 2 cycles: 2 _____=>_____ __ 
 31 AND izy 5*   $31: bytes: 2 cycles: 5 _____=>A___P R_ izy
 32 *KIL         $32: CRASH
 33 *RLA izy 8   $33: bytes: 2 cycles: 8 ____P=>A___P RW izy
 34 *NOP zpx 4   $34: bytes: 2 cycles: 4 _____=>_____ R_ zpx
 35 AND zpx 4    $35: bytes: 2 cycles: 4 A____=>A___P R_ zpx
 36 ROL zpx 6    $36: bytes: 2 cycles: 6 ____P=>____P RW zpx
 37 *RLA zpx 6   $37: bytes: 2 cycles: 6 A___P=>A___P RW zpx
 38 SEC 2        $38: bytes: 1 cycles: 2 _____=>____P __ 
 39 AND aby 4*   $39: bytes: 3 cycles: 4 A____=>A___P R_ absy
 3A *NOP 2       $3A: bytes: 1 cycles: 2 _____=>_____ __ 
 3B *RLA aby 7   $3B: bytes: 3 cycles: 7 A___P=>A___P RW absy
 3C *NOP abx 4*  $3C: bytes: 3 cycles: 4 _____=>_____ R_ absx
 3D AND abx 4*   $3D: bytes: 3 cycles: 4 A____=>A___P R_ absx
 3E ROL abx 7    $3E: bytes: 3 cycles: 7 ____P=>____P RW absx
 3F *RLA abx 7   $3F: bytes: 3 cycles: 7 A___P=>A___P RW absx
 40 RTI 6        $40: bytes: X cycles: 6 ___S_=>___SP __ 
 41 EOR izx 6    $41: bytes: 2 cycles: 6 A____=>____P R_ izx
 42 *KIL         $42: CRASH
 43 *SRE izx 8   $43: bytes: 2 cycles: 8 A____=>____P RW izx
 44 *NOP zp 3    $44: bytes: 2 cycles: 3 _____=>_____ R_ zp
 45 EOR zp 3     $45: bytes: 2 cycles: 3 A____=>A___P R_ zp
 46 LSR zp 5     $46: bytes: 2 cycles: 5 _____=>____P RW zp
 47 *SRE zp 5    $47: bytes: 2 cycles: 5 A____=>A___P RW zp
 48 PHA 3        $48: bytes: 1 cycles: 3 A__S_=>___S_ _W 
 49 EOR imm 2    $49: bytes: 2 cycles: 2 A____=>A___P __ 
 4A LSR 2        $4A: bytes: 1 cycles: 2 A____=>A___P __ 
 4B *ALR imm 2   $4B: bytes: 2 cycles: 2 A____=>A___P __ 
 4C JMP abs 3    $4C: bytes: X cycles: 3 _____=>_____ __ 
 4D EOR abs 4    $4D: bytes: 3 cycles: 4 A____=>A___P R_ abs
 4E LSR abs 6    $4E: bytes: 3 cycles: 6 _____=>____P RW abs
 4F *SRE abs 6   $4F: bytes: 3 cycles: 6 A____=>A___P RW abs
 50 BVC rel 2*   $50: bytes: 2 cycles: 3 ____P=>_____ __ 
 51 EOR izy 5*   $51: bytes: 2 cycles: 5 A____=>____P R_ izy
 52 *KIL         $52: CRASH
 53 *SRE izy 8   $53: bytes: 2 cycles: 8 A____=>____P RW izy
 54 *NOP zpx 4   $54: bytes: 2 cycles: 4 _____=>_____ R_ zpx
 55 EOR zpx 4    $55: bytes: 2 cycles: 4 A____=>A___P R_ zpx
 56 LSR zpx 6    $56: bytes: 2 cycles: 6 _____=>____P RW zpx
 57 *SRE zpx 6   $57: bytes: 2 cycles: 6 A____=>A___P RW zpx
 58 CLI 2        $58: bytes: 1 cycles: 2 _____=>____P __ 
 59 EOR aby 4*   $59: bytes: 3 cycles: 4 A____=>A___P R_ absy
 5A *NOP 2       $5A: bytes: 1 cycles: 2 _____=>_____ __ 
 5B *SRE aby 7   $5B: bytes: 3 cycles: 7 A____=>A___P RW absy
 5C *NOP abx 4*  $5C: bytes: 3 cycles: 4 _____=>_____ R_ absx
 5D EOR abx 4*   $5D: bytes: 3 cycles: 4 A____=>A___P R_ absx
 5E LSR abx 7    $5E: bytes: 3 cycles: 7 _____=>____P RW absx
 5F *SRE abx 7   $5F: bytes: 3 cycles: 7 A____=>A___P RW absx
 60 RTS 6        $60: bytes: X cycles: 6 ___S_=>___S_ __ 
 61 ADC izx 6    $61: bytes: 2 cycles: 6 A___P=>A___P R_ izx
 62 *KIL         $62: CRASH
 63 *RRA izx 8   $63: bytes: 2 cycles: 8 A___P=>A___P RW izx
 64 *NOP zp 3    $64: bytes: 2 cycles: 3 _____=>_____ R_ zp
 65 ADC zp 3     $65: bytes: 2 cycles: 3 A___P=>A___P R_ zp
 66 ROR zp 5     $66: bytes: 2 cycles: 5 ____P=>____P RW zp
 67 *RRA zp 5    $67: bytes: 2 cycles: 5 A___P=>A___P RW zp
 68 PLA 4        $68: bytes: 1 cycles: 4 ___S_=>A__SP __ 
 69 ADC imm 2    $69: bytes: 2 cycles: 2 A___P=>A___P __ 
 6A ROR 2        $6A: bytes: 1 cycles: 2 A___P=>A___P __ 
 6B *ARR imm 2   $6B: bytes: 2 cycles: 2 A___P=>A___P __ 
 6C JMP ind 5    $6C: bytes: X cycles: 5 _____=>_____ __ 
 6D ADC abs 4    $6D: bytes: 3 cycles: 4 A___P=>A___P R_ abs
 6E ROR abs 6    $6E: bytes: 3 cycles: 6 ____P=>____P RW abs
 6F *RRA abs 6   $6F: bytes: 3 cycles: 6 A___P=>A___P RW abs
 70 BVS rel 2*   $70: bytes: 2 cycles: 2 _____=>_____ __ 
 71 ADC izy 5*   $71: bytes: 2 cycles: 5 A___P=>A___P R_ izy
 72 *KIL         $72: CRASH
 73 *RRA izy 8   $73: bytes: 2 cycles: 8 A___P=>A___P RW izy
 74 *NOP zpx 4   $74: bytes: 2 cycles: 4 _____=>_____ R_ zpx
 75 ADC zpx 4    $75: bytes: 2 cycles: 4 A___P=>A___P R_ zpx
 76 ROR zpx 6    $76: bytes: 2 cycles: 6 ____P=>____P RW zpx
 77 *RRA zpx 6   $77: bytes: 2 cycles: 6 A___P=>A___P RW zpx
 78 SEI 2        $78: bytes: 1 cycles: 2 _____=>____P __ 
 79 ADC aby 4*   $79: bytes: 3 cycles: 4 A___P=>A___P R_ absy
 7A *NOP 2       $7A: bytes: 1 cycles: 2 _____=>_____ __ 
 7B *RRA aby 7   $7B: bytes: 3 cycles: 7 A___P=>A___P RW absy
 7C *NOP abx 4*  $7C: bytes: 3 cycles: 4 _____=>_____ R_ absx
 7D ADC abx 4*   $7D: bytes: 3 cycles: 4 A___P=>A___P R_ absx
 7E ROR abx 7    $7E: bytes: 3 cycles: 7 ____P=>____P RW absx
 7F *RRA abx 7   $7F: bytes: 3 cycles: 7 A___P=>A___P RW absx
 80 *NOP imm 2   $80: bytes: 2 cycles: 2 _____=>_____ __ 
 81 STA izx 6    $81: bytes: 2 cycles: 6 A____=>_____ RW izx
 82 *NOP imm 2   $82: bytes: 2 cycles: 2 _____=>_____ __ 
 83 *SAX izx 6   $83: bytes: 2 cycles: 6 _____=>_____ RW izx
 84 STY zp 3     $84: bytes: 2 cycles: 3 __Y__=>_____ _W zp
 85 STA zp 3     $85: bytes: 2 cycles: 3 A____=>_____ _W zp
 86 STX zp 3     $86: bytes: 2 cycles: 3 _X___=>_____ _W zp
 87 *SAX zp 3    $87: bytes: 2 cycles: 3 _____=>_____ _W zp
 88 DEY 2        $88: bytes: 1 cycles: 2 __Y__=>__Y_P __ 
 89 *NOP imm 2   $89: bytes: 2 cycles: 2 _____=>_____ __ 
 8A TXA 2        $8A: bytes: 1 cycles: 2 _X___=>A___P __ 
 8B *XAA imm 2   $8B: bytes: 2 cycles: 2 _____=>A___P __ 
 8C STY abs 4    $8C: bytes: 3 cycles: 4 __Y__=>_____ _W abs
 8D STA abs 4    $8D: bytes: 3 cycles: 4 A____=>_____ _W abs
 8E STX abs 4    $8E: bytes: 3 cycles: 4 _X___=>_____ _W abs
 8F *SAX abs 4   $8F: bytes: 3 cycles: 4 _____=>_____ _W abs
 90 BCC rel 2*   $90: bytes: 2 cycles: 3 ____P=>_____ __ 
 91 STA izy 6    $91: bytes: 2 cycles: 6 A____=>_____ RW izy
 92 *KIL         $92: CRASH
 93 *AHX izy 6   $93: bytes: 2 cycles: 6 _____=>_____ RW izy
 94 STY zpx 4    $94: bytes: 2 cycles: 4 __Y__=>_____ RW zpx
 95 STA zpx 4    $95: bytes: 2 cycles: 4 A____=>_____ RW zpx
 96 STX zpy 4    $96: bytes: 2 cycles: 4 _X___=>_____ RW zpy
 97 *SAX zpy 4   $97: bytes: 2 cycles: 4 _____=>_____ RW zpy
 98 TYA 2        $98: bytes: 1 cycles: 2 __Y__=>A___P __ 
 99 STA aby 5    $99: bytes: 3 cycles: 5 A____=>_____ RW absy
 9A TXS 2        $9A: bytes: X cycles: 2 _X___=>___S_ __ 
 9B *TAS aby 5   $9B: bytes: X cycles: 5 __Y__=>___S_ _W 
 9C *SHY abx 5   $9C: bytes: 3 cycles: 5 __Y__=>_____ RW absx
 9D STA abx 5    $9D: bytes: 3 cycles: 5 A____=>_____ RW absx
 9E *SHX aby 5   $9E: bytes: 3 cycles: 5 _X___=>_____ RW absy
 9F *AHX aby 5   $9F: bytes: 3 cycles: 5 _____=>_____ RW absy
 A0 LDY imm 2    $A0: bytes: 2 cycles: 2 _____=>__Y_P __ 
 A1 LDA izx 6    $A1: bytes: 2 cycles: 6 _____=>A___P R_ izx
 A2 LDX imm 2    $A2: bytes: 2 cycles: 2 _____=>_X__P __ 
 A3 *LAX izx 6   $A3: bytes: 2 cycles: 6 _____=>AX__P R_ izx
 A4 LDY zp 3     $A4: bytes: 2 cycles: 3 _____=>__Y_P R_ zp
 A5 LDA zp 3     $A5: bytes: 2 cycles: 3 _____=>A___P R_ zp
 A6 LDX zp 3     $A6: bytes: 2 cycles: 3 _____=>_X__P R_ zp
 A7 *LAX zp 3    $A7: bytes: 2 cycles: 3 _____=>AX__P R_ zp
 A8 TAY 2        $A8: bytes: 1 cycles: 2 A____=>__Y_P __ 
 A9 LDA imm 2    $A9: bytes: 2 cycles: 2 _____=>A___P __ 
 AA TAX 2        $AA: bytes: 1 cycles: 2 A____=>_X__P __ 
 AB *LAX imm 2   $AB: bytes: 2 cycles: 2 A____=>AX__P __ 
 AC LDY abs 4    $AC: bytes: 3 cycles: 4 _____=>__Y_P R_ abs
 AD LDA abs 4    $AD: bytes: 3 cycles: 4 _____=>A___P R_ abs
 AE LDX abs 4    $AE: bytes: 3 cycles: 4 _____=>_X__P R_ abs
 AF *LAX abs 4   $AF: bytes: 3 cycles: 4 _____=>AX__P R_ abs
 B0 BCS rel 2*   $B0: bytes: 2 cycles: 2 _____=>_____ __ 
 B1 LDA izy 5*   $B1: bytes: 2 cycles: 5 _____=>A___P R_ izy
 B2 *KIL         $B2: CRASH
 B3 *LAX izy 5*  $B3: bytes: 2 cycles: 5 _____=>AX__P R_ izy
 B4 LDY zpx 4    $B4: bytes: 2 cycles: 4 _____=>__Y_P R_ zpx
 B5 LDA zpx 4    $B5: bytes: 2 cycles: 4 _____=>A___P R_ zpx
 B6 LDX zpy 4    $B6: bytes: 2 cycles: 4 _____=>_X__P R_ zpy
 B7 *LAX zpy 4   $B7: bytes: 2 cycles: 4 _____=>AX__P R_ zpy
 B8 CLV 2        $B8: bytes: 1 cycles: 2 _____=>____P __ 
 B9 LDA aby 4*   $B9: bytes: 3 cycles: 4 _____=>A___P R_ absy
 BA TSX 2        $BA: bytes: 1 cycles: 2 ___S_=>_X__P __ 
 BB *LAS aby 4*  $BB: bytes: 3 cycles: 4 ___S_=>AX_SP R_ absy
 BC LDY abx 4*   $BC: bytes: 3 cycles: 4 _____=>__Y_P R_ absx
 BD LDA abx 4*   $BD: bytes: 3 cycles: 4 _____=>A___P R_ absx
 BE LDX aby 4*   $BE: bytes: 3 cycles: 4 _____=>_X__P R_ absy
 BF *LAX aby 4*  $BF: bytes: 3 cycles: 4 _____=>AX__P R_ absy
 C0 CPY imm 2    $C0: bytes: 2 cycles: 2 __Y__=>____P __ 
 C1 CMP izx 6    $C1: bytes: 2 cycles: 6 A____=>____P R_ izx
 C2 *NOP imm 2   $C2: bytes: 2 cycles: 2 _____=>_____ __ 
 C3 *DCP izx 8   $C3: bytes: 2 cycles: 8 A____=>____P RW izx
 C4 CPY zp 3     $C4: bytes: 2 cycles: 3 __Y__=>____P R_ zp
 C5 CMP zp 3     $C5: bytes: 2 cycles: 3 A____=>____P R_ zp
 C6 DEC zp 5     $C6: bytes: 2 cycles: 5 _____=>____P RW zp
 C7 *DCP zp 5    $C7: bytes: 2 cycles: 5 A____=>____P RW zp
 C8 INY 2        $C8: bytes: 1 cycles: 2 __Y__=>__Y_P __ 
 C9 CMP imm 2    $C9: bytes: 2 cycles: 2 A____=>____P __ 
 CA DEX 2        $CA: bytes: 1 cycles: 2 _X___=>_X__P __ 
 CB *AXS imm 2   $CB: bytes: 2 cycles: 2 _____=>_X__P __ 
 CC CPY abs 4    $CC: bytes: 3 cycles: 4 __Y__=>____P R_ abs
 CD CMP abs 4    $CD: bytes: 3 cycles: 4 A____=>____P R_ abs
 CE DEC abs 6    $CE: bytes: 3 cycles: 6 _____=>____P RW abs
 CF *DCP abs 6   $CF: bytes: 3 cycles: 6 A____=>____P RW abs
 D0 BNE rel 2*   $D0: bytes: 2 cycles: 3 ____P=>_____ __ 
 D1 CMP izy 5*   $D1: bytes: 2 cycles: 5 A____=>____P R_ izy
 D2 *KIL         $D2: CRASH
 D3 *DCP izy 8   $D3: bytes: 2 cycles: 8 A____=>____P RW izy
 D4 *NOP zpx 4   $D4: bytes: 2 cycles: 4 _____=>_____ R_ zpx
 D5 CMP zpx 4    $D5: bytes: 2 cycles: 4 A____=>____P R_ zpx
 D6 DEC zpx 6    $D6: bytes: 2 cycles: 6 _____=>____P RW zpx
 D7 *DCP zpx 6   $D7: bytes: 2 cycles: 6 A____=>____P RW zpx
 D8 CLD 2        $D8: bytes: 1 cycles: 2 _____=>____P __ 
 D9 CMP aby 4*   $D9: bytes: 3 cycles: 4 A____=>____P R_ absy
 DA *NOP 2       $DA: bytes: 1 cycles: 2 _____=>_____ __ 
 DB *DCP aby 7   $DB: bytes: 3 cycles: 7 A____=>____P RW absy
 DC *NOP abx 4*  $DC: bytes: 3 cycles: 4 _____=>_____ R_ absx
 DD CMP abx 4*   $DD: bytes: 3 cycles: 4 A____=>____P R_ absx
 DE DEC abx 7    $DE: bytes: 3 cycles: 7 _____=>____P RW absx
 DF *DCP abx 7   $DF: bytes: 3 cycles: 7 A____=>____P RW absx
 E0 CPX imm 2    $E0: bytes: 2 cycles: 2 _X___=>____P __ 
 E1 SBC izx 6    $E1: bytes: 2 cycles: 6 A___P=>A___P R_ izx
 E2 *NOP imm 2   $E2: bytes: 2 cycles: 2 _____=>_____ __ 
 E3 *ISC izx 8   $E3: bytes: 2 cycles: 8 A___P=>A___P RW izx
 E4 CPX zp 3     $E4: bytes: 2 cycles: 3 _X___=>____P R_ zp
 E5 SBC zp 3     $E5: bytes: 2 cycles: 3 A___P=>A___P R_ zp
 E6 INC zp 5     $E6: bytes: 2 cycles: 5 _____=>____P RW zp
 E7 *ISC zp 5    $E7: bytes: 2 cycles: 5 A___P=>A___P RW zp
 E8 INX 2        $E8: bytes: 1 cycles: 2 _X___=>_X__P __ 
 E9 SBC imm 2    $E9: bytes: 2 cycles: 2 A___P=>A___P __ 
 EA NOP 2        $EA: bytes: 1 cycles: 2 _____=>_____ __ 
 EB *SBC imm 2   $EB: bytes: 2 cycles: 2 A___P=>A___P __ 
 EC CPX abs 4    $EC: bytes: 3 cycles: 4 _X___=>____P R_ abs
 ED SBC abs 4    $ED: bytes: 3 cycles: 4 A___P=>A___P R_ abs
 EE INC abs 6    $EE: bytes: 3 cycles: 6 _____=>____P RW abs
 EF *ISC abs 6   $EF: bytes: 3 cycles: 6 A___P=>A___P RW abs
 F0 BEQ rel 2*   $F0: bytes: 2 cycles: 2 _____=>_____ __ 
 F1 SBC izy 5*   $F1: bytes: 2 cycles: 5 A___P=>A___P R_ izy
 F2 *KIL         $F2: CRASH
 F3 *ISC izy 8   $F3: bytes: 2 cycles: 8 A___P=>A___P RW izy
 F4 *NOP zpx 4   $F4: bytes: 2 cycles: 4 _____=>_____ R_ zpx
 F5 SBC zpx 4    $F5: bytes: 2 cycles: 4 A___P=>A___P R_ zpx
 F6 INC zpx 6    $F6: bytes: 2 cycles: 6 _____=>____P RW zpx
 F7 *ISC zpx 6   $F7: bytes: 2 cycles: 6 A___P=>A___P RW zpx
 F8 SED 2        $F8: bytes: 1 cycles: 2 _____=>____P __ 
 F9 SBC aby 4*   $F9: bytes: 3 cycles: 4 A___P=>A___P R_ absy
 FA *NOP 2       $FA: bytes: 1 cycles: 2 _____=>_____ __ 
 FB *ISC aby 7   $FB: bytes: 3 cycles: 7 A___P=>A___P RW absy
 FC *NOP abx 4*  $FC: bytes: 3 cycles: 4 _____=>_____ R_ absx
 FD SBC abx 4*   $FD: bytes: 3 cycles: 4 A___P=>A___P R_ absx
 FE INC abx 7    $FE: bytes: 3 cycles: 7 _____=>____P RW absx
 FF *ISC abx     $FF: bytes: 3 cycles: 7 A___P=>A___P RW absx


  • The transistor-level emulation seems to be able to successfully emulate illegal opcodes as well, since the outputs for the illegal opcodes look a lot like Graham's list.
  • "Unstable" illegal opcodes are probably not caused by transistor ping-pong, but by leftover trash on the external address or data bus, since the transistor calculation loop with the limiter of 100 never goes above 20, even when testing all opcodes.
  • The simulator is the perfect tool to understand illegal opcodes... Well, unless you count "understanding the 6502 schematics and what's actually going on".


  • This is still a work in progress.
  • Some instructions were checked against the spec while writing the tests, but not everything is verified, including the simulator.
    • BRK, JSR, JMP, branches aren't correct.
  • The test could be extended to do special case tests on the illegal opcodes. We can look at bus activity to see what's going on, in order to understand what potential inputs are - it is possible that some instructions do extra write cycles that nobody has measured yet.