Talk:NES expansion port pinout

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In/out, and musing all over the place

Audio in/out, $4016 outs, and video out seem clear enough, and, if I understand correctly, EXP* are whatever direction the hardware guys choose between cart and expansion. But how is the expansion port situated related to the controllers, as it seems to only have one connection to each controller pin?

Is it possible to make an expansion-port [NES] extra-controller adapter that's compatible with, say, FourScore software, with only two ports? Or would one have to have four ports on the expansion device in order to be able to serialize one controller with the other (and signature)? (Famicom-expansion style, putting in upper bits seems much easier, though obviously less useful thanks to it not being a Famicom.) Hmm, adding a SNES controller port would be nice too… Myask (talk) 10:35, 15 July 2016 (MDT)

The data lines are just directly shared with the input from the jacks on the front, so there's technically going to be a bus conflict between a plugged-in controller and whatever tries to drive it via the expansion port. Which doesn't explain why $4017.d0 is available on the Famicom expansion port... —Lidnariq (talk) 11:40, 15 July 2016 (MDT)