File talk:Cards 32x24 tiles.png

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Revision as of 21:51, 27 July 2013 by Tepples (talk | contribs) (I made a joker)
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The card in the tarot deck you are probably calling the "Joker" is actually called a "Fool" or "Excuse", and it isn't always a trump (it depends on the game; in Type II games it is the XXII of Trumps but in Type I games it is a card you can play at any time even if you are normally required to follow suit, but you will automatically lose the trick). (Also, tarot cards may be Latin-suited, which would be difficult to do with these small tiles; still, the French-suited cards can have correspondence to Latin suits: spades to swords, clubs to rods, diamonds to money, hearts to cups.) Still, in the standard (poker) deck, sometimes two jokers are added, so it would be useful to add it even if not making a tarot deck (in Euchre, it is the highest trump; in Yomi, they are used to break an opponent's combo). --Zzo38 (talk) 11:34, 27 July 2013 (MDT)

Lack of tiles to fit the joker despite its use in poker decks is exactly what I meant when I referred to the Fool as "joker". (No, I'm not going to try raiding Batman ROMs either.) The Latin suits were easier than making clubs recognizable, especially given what passes for a sword in NES land. Adding one joker takes 3 more tiles (bottom half of portrait shared with jack); adding both takes 6. Feel free to see if you can improve on my proposed designs. --Tepples (talk) 15:51, 27 July 2013 (MDT)