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PAxx vs. PPU Axx vs. CHR Axx

These edits by infiniteneslives confuse me a bit. I've seen "CHR A10" and "CHR A11" used for the lines going to the CHR ROM. In ASIC mappers, these tend not to match PPU A10 (PA10 for short) and PPU A11 (PA11). --Tepples (talk) 12:04, 23 February 2013 (MST)

"L" mirroring

Using a single and-or-invert gate, or three NAND or NOR gates, along with two bits from a latch gets you controllable 1/H/V/L mirroring. This is roughly what mapper 243 does. —Lidnariq (talk) 00:32, 4 May 2013 (MDT)

4-screen capable mappers

lidnariq wrote here:

None of MMC3, MMC5, m77, nor m99 "are capable of mapping some of their CHR[...] into the nametable space". The question of CHR as nametables is largely orthogonal to 4-screen layout; I don't think it belongs here.

I think any mapper that can map 4 different 1k pages into the 4 nametable regions is relevant to 4-screen mirroring. Why don't you think they belong there?

  • MMC3 - Rad Racer 2.
  • MMC5 - I may have made a mistake on this one, does it only allow 1k of extra nametable?
  • VRC6 - Lets you map CHR-ROM into nametable pages arbitrarily.
  • Namco 163 - Lets you map CHR-ROM into nametable pages arbitrarily.
  • iNES Mapper 077 - Uses combination of VRAM and CHR-RAM to create 4 RAM nametables. (Napoleon Senki)
  • iNES Mapper 099 - Not sure why this became a mapper, but as described I don't see why it doesn't qualify as 4-screen capable?

- Rainwarrior (talk) 10:42, 14 May 2015 (MDT)