1993 Super 50 in 1 Game

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The cartridge is a multigames cartridge dated from 1993.

Versions known :

  • 1993 Super 50 in 1 Game : NES version (72-pin)


NES PCB (Front mirrored picture) NES PCB (Bottom picture)
50 in 1 NES PCB (Front mirrored picture)
50 in 1 NES PCB (Bottom picture)

Datas chips
Chips Description
Usual fonctionnal chips
Chips Description
74LS161A - 6.70 BCD Decade counters / 4-bit binary counters
GD74LS00 - 9223 - GoldStar NAND Gate, LS Series, 4-Func, 2-Input, TTL, PDIP14

50 in 1 Schematic


The 50 in 1 rom contains 64 KB of PRG and 32 KB of CHR.

The rom has been dumped and assigned to the INES Mapper 200.

It contains 4 different games that can be beginned at different levels.

Dumping method

This script can dump the cartridge with the INLretro-prog dumper (Device firmware version: 2.3.x) :

-- create the module's table
local dumpmg109 = {}

-- import required modules
local dict = require "scripts.app.dict"
local nes = require "scripts.app.nes"
local dump = require "scripts.app.dump"
local flash = require "scripts.app.flash"
local time = require "scripts.app.time"
local files = require "scripts.app.files"
local swim = require "scripts.app.swim"
local buffers = require "scripts.app.buffers"

-- local functions
local function create_header( file, prgKB, chrKB )
	-- Mapper : 200 ; Mirroring : 0 (Horizontal)

	nes.write_header( file, prgKB, chrKB, 200, 0)

--dump the PRG ROM
local function dump_prgrom( file, rom_size_KB, debug )

	--PRG-ROM dump 16KB at a time
	local KB_per_read = 16
	local num_reads = rom_size_KB / KB_per_read
	local read_count = 0
	local addr_base = 0x80	-- $8000

print("CPU dump :")

	while ( read_count < num_reads )
		if debug then print( "dump PRG part ", read_count, " of ", num_reads) end

		-- pause of 1 second to take care about the chips
		local time=os.clock()+1
		while time>os.clock()

		local nobusconflicts = dict.nes("NES_CPU_RD", 0x8000 | read_count);
		dict.nes("NES_CPU_WR", 0x8000 | read_count , nobusconflicts)

		dump.dumptofile( file, KB_per_read, addr_base, "NESCPU_PAGE", false )

		read_count = read_count + 1

--dump the CHR ROM
local function dump_chrrom( file, rom_size_KB, debug )

	local KB_per_read = 8	--dump both PT at once
	local num_reads = rom_size_KB / KB_per_read
	local read_count = 0
	local addr_base = 0x00	-- $0000

print("PPU dump :")

	while ( read_count < num_reads ) do

		if debug then print( "dump CHR part ", read_count, " of ", num_reads) end

		-- pause of 1 second to take care about the chips
		local time=os.clock()+1
		while time>os.clock()

		local nobusconflicts = dict.nes("NES_CPU_RD", 0x8000 | read_count);
		dict.nes("NES_CPU_WR", 0x8000 | read_count , nobusconflicts)

		dump.dumptofile( file, KB_per_read, addr_base, "NESPPU_PAGE", false )

		read_count = read_count + 1

--Cart should be in reset state upon calling this function
--this function processes all user requests for this specific board/mapper
--local function process( test, read, erase, program, verify, dumpfile, flashfile, verifyfile)
local function process(process_opts, console_opts)
	local test = process_opts["test"]
	local read = process_opts["read"]
	local erase = process_opts["erase"]
	local program = process_opts["program"]
	local verify = process_opts["verify"]
	local dumpfile = process_opts["dump_filename"]
	local flashfile = process_opts["flash_filename"]
	local verifyfile = process_opts["verify_filename"]

	local rv = nil
	local file
	local prg_size = console_opts["prg_rom_size_kb"]
	local chr_size = console_opts["chr_rom_size_kb"]
	local wram_size = console_opts["wram_size_kb"]

--initialize device i/o for NES

print("\nRunning dumpMG109.lua")

--dump the cart to dumpfile
	if read then
		print("\nDumping ROM...")

		file = assert(io.open(dumpfile, "wb"))

		--create header: pass open & empty file & rom sizes
		create_header(file, prg_size, chr_size)

		--TODO find bank table to avoid bus conflicts!
		--dump cart into file
		--dump cart into file
		dump_prgrom(file, prg_size, false)
		dump_chrrom(file, chr_size, false)

		--close file
		print("DONE Dumping ROM")


-- functions other modules are able to call
dumpmg109.process = process

-- return the module's table
return dumpmg109

Under UNIX, the commands to run are :

./inlretro -s scripts/inlretro3.lua -c NES -m dumpmg109 -x 64 -y 32 -d 50in1-1993.nes

The NES header of the rom is to set to

Games Menu

There are 4 unique games and the same games at different levels :

  • Duck Hunt
  • Wild Gunman
  • Battle City
  • Mario Bros (Arcade / 1983)
Cartridge Menu
Game Name Original Game Name Level
1 DUCK HUNT Duck Hunt Game A : 1 duck
2 TWO DUCKS HUNT Duck Hunt Game B : 2 ducks
3 CLAY SHOOTING Duck Hunt Game C : Clay Shooting
4 WILD GUNMAN Wild Gunman Game A : 1 outlaw
5 TWO GUNMEN Wild Gunman Game B : 2 outlaws
6 SALOON GUNMEN Wild Gunman Game C : Gang
7 BATTLE CITY 1 Battle City Stage 1
8 BATTLE CITY 2 Battle City Stage 2
9 BATTLE CITY 3 Battle City Stage 3
10 BATTLE CITY 4 Battle City Stage 4
11 BATTLE CITY 5 Battle City Stage 5
12 BATTLE CITY 6 Battle City Stage 6
13 BATTLE CITY 7 Battle City Stage 7
14 BATTLE CITY 8 Battle City Stage 8
15 BATTLE CITY 9 Battle City Stage 9
16 BATTLE CITY 10 Battle City Stage 10
17 BATTLE CITY 11 Battle City Stage 11
18 BATTLE CITY 12 Battle City Stage 12
19 BATTLE CITY 13 Battle City Stage 13
20 BATTLE CITY 14 Battle City Stage 14
21 BATTLE CITY 15 Battle City Stage 15
22 BATTLE CITY 16 Battle City Stage 16
23 BATTLE CITY 17 Battle City Stage 17
24 BATTLE CITY 18 Battle City Stage 18
25 BATTLE CITY 19 Battle City Stage 19
26 BATTLE CITY 20 Battle City Stage 20
27 BATTLE CITY 21 Battle City Stage 21
28 BATTLE CITY 22 Battle City Stage 22
29 BATTLE CITY 23 Battle City Stage 23
30 BATTLE CITY 24 Battle City Stage 24
31 BATTLE CITY 25 Battle City Stage 25
32 BATTLE CITY 26 Battle City Stage 26
33 BATTLE CITY 27 Battle City Stage 27
34 BATTLE CITY 28 Battle City Stage 28
35 BATTLE CITY 29 Battle City Stage 29
36 BATTLE CITY 30 Battle City Stage 30
37 BATTLE CITY 31 Battle City Stage 31
38 BATTLE CITY 32 Battle City Stage 32
39 BATTLE CITY 33 Battle City Stage 33
40 BATTLE CITY 34 Battle City Stage 34
41 BATTLE CITY 35 Battle City Stage 35
42 MARIO BROS 1 Mario Bros (Arcade / 1983) Phase 1
43 MARIO BROS 2 Mario Bros (Arcade / 1983) Phase 2
44 MARIO BROS 3 Mario Bros (Arcade / 1983) Phase 3
45 MARIO BROS 4 Mario Bros (Arcade / 1983) Phase 4
46 MARIO BROS 5 Mario Bros (Arcade / 1983) Phase 5
47 MARIO BROS 6 Mario Bros (Arcade / 1983) Phase 6
48 MARIO BROS 7 Mario Bros (Arcade / 1983) Phase 7
49 MARIO BROS 8 Mario Bros (Arcade / 1983) Phase 8
50 MARIO BROS 9 Mario Bros (Arcade / 1983) Phase 9