Game bugs

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Listed are games that have been tested on NES or Famicom hardware and verified to look wrong or odd, due to things like NES hardware limitations or programming errors. Refer to this if you're developing an emulator and find a game that looks wrong, before you look for a problem in your emulator. If you are attempting to give your emulator "bug for bug" compatibility, you'll want to make sure that these glitches appear the same in your emulator as they do on the NES.

This is an incomplete list that concentrates on commercial games. For a list of homebrew programs that don't work on the NES, or which have glitches on the NES, see Program Compatibility. Sometimes, a bug slips into a game to make it rely on less-than-intentional features of the hardware; for those, see Emulator Tests.

Game Problem Screenshot
Armadillo The in-game statusbar occasionally bumps vertically by 1 pixel. This game also often suffers from slowdown.
Castlevania II - Simon's Quest Sometimes incorrect tiles are shown on the playfield.
Castlevania III - Dracula's Curse The DMC channel in music sometimes mutes.
When pressing the 'B' button at the exact time as Trevor falls of a block, you hear the whip sound, but Trevor doesn't attack.
Crystalis The scanline above the statusbar and above textboxes looks wrong.
Double Dragon A garbage sprite can be seen on the lower right of the game screen.
The screen will sometimes shake vertically on heavy sprite usage.
Double Dragon 2 The status bar suddently change colors, sometimes when scolling vertically it show incorectly for a couple of frames.
Legend of Zelda The screen "jumps" off 2 pixels at the start and end of vertical fast scrolling
Mega Man 3 On the boss select screen, the scanline above Shadow Man looks wrong.
The first scanline of the menu looks glitchy.
Mega Man 5 In Gyro Man's stage, inside the two elevators, the floor moves up by a few pixels when the elevator goes up, and move back down when the screen is fast-scrolled.
Rad Racer Steer to the far left, and a background scanline will be seen on the road.
Super Mario Bros. The status bar shakes horizontally on heavy sprite usage and the music slows down. This can be seen especially in (what level?)
Super Mario Bros. 3 (U) The first scanline after a scroll split is glitchy. This shows up as garbage above the left side of the status bar and as incorrectly scrolled lines in the "spade" (not N-spade) bonus game.
Note blocks containing items become squarer for a second while the item is popping out. (This is an artifact of the sprite priority exploit that it uses.)
If a Hammer Bros. battle ends precisely when a note is starting, the note will freeze on an incorrect duty cycle.
Big fat attribute glitch on the right side of most levels, because this game uses horizontal scrolling with horizontal mirroring.
Ironsword: Wizards and Warriors II Noise channel doesn't work properly, sometimes plays longer notes and sometimes mutes.